Thursday, January 26, 2012


I am not a fan of makeup on children, I don't wear it myself (nothing against it, I'm just too lazy) So when Isabelle got a makeup set for Christmas I fully intended to throw it away. I never got around to it and they found it today. When they found it today and asked to play with it. I hesitated for a bit and decided that as long as they could keep it on their faces they could use it.  They had a blast. Isabelle painted her nails and I think she did a better job then I usually do. It is cold and rainy and Gabe is sick so we're stuck at home, the perfect day to play something we aren't usually allowed to play.

and of course what is more fun then making lip marks when your lips are bright pink? Gabe got decorated and I even got a kiss. 

now where's that makeup remover?

1 comment:

  1. Oh I LOVE your kiss - you'll be glad you took a picture of that one day <3
