Sunday, January 1, 2012

A new year...

... a new beginning. I'm not big on New Year's resolutions, they seem to get broken in a few weeks anything. but I think of the new year as a sigh of relief, the holidays are over, our routines are so broken that we might as well work on new one's. Its been interesting looking back on this past year, as I feel like its been a year of growth for me.  A year ago,  we were still very uncertain about Gabe's recovery, and Sophia wasn't even a thought in the back of our minds. God has faithfully led us through this year. I am looking forward to this next year, as another year of growth.
There are a few things I would like to accomplish this year. We'll call them goals since I don't like resolutions.
1. Read my Bible every day.
2. Memorize scripture, and teach the children to memorize scripture.
3. Cook more meals, using whole foods whenever possible
4. Spend more meaningful time with the children.
5. Simplify. reduce clutter, get rid of the extra stuff in my life that causes me stress.

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